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09 February 2009

i copied this from another web site:

i have seen a few posts about some of these items...hopefully this will help

The renowned South Beach Diet author answers common questions about Phase 1 of the diet and beyond.
by Arthur Agatston, M.D.

Q: I started the diet and on the 8th day I showed symptoms of hypoglycemia. In 7 days, I lost 4 lbs. Do I continue on Phase 1 or move to Phase 2?
Dr. Agatson: Symptoms of hypoglycemia are fairly common during Phase 1. It is important to get enough good carbohydrates and enough fluids to help prevent the symptoms. For those on blood pressure lowering meds it may be necessary to decrease the dose or stop them completely. I suggest consulting with your physician. I would also advise continuing Phase 1 because usually hypoglycemia or fluid loss resolves itself.

Q: I have a mild allergy to eggs and can only eat them once in a while; can you suggest something else for breakfast in the first 2 weeks?
Dr. Agatson: In the first two weeks, try a low-fat cottage cheese, lean meat, or other low-fat cheeses.

Q: If we stay on Phase 1 for 3-4 weeks is it safe to consume eggs every morning?

Dr. Agatson: Yes, the latest evidence is that eggs are good for us--even the yolk, which actually has Vitamin E and other important nutrients. The Harvard School of Public Health has done studies showing seven eggs a week are fine. They did not study higher numbers.

Eggs usually increase the good cholesterol out of proportion to the bad. If you have a history of a cholesterol problem and are consuming a great deal of eggs you should recheck your cholesterol.

Q: I work out a lot and find that Phase 1 has given me NO energy for workouts. What should I do?

Dr. Agatson: In Phase 1, it is possible to lose fluid and have some dehydration as well as some hypoglycemia. It is our experience that once the body adjusts, energy levels increase. I suggest making sure that you exercise and that you get plenty of fluids. Often, adding salt to your food is helpful in this stage to insure adequate fluid volume and make sure you are eating plenty of low glycemic carbs.

Q: Reading your book, I realized I have spent my whole life eating the wrong foods (white bread, pasta, chocolate) and since I began the diet without sweets I have been feeling pretty down. What healthy sweets can I eat safely during Phase 1?
Dr. Agatson: My favorite desserts in Phase 1 are: sugar free Jell-O, which I buy in small cups and which tastes great, and ricotta cheese with vanilla or almond extract and mixed with a sugar substitute--it tastes like tiramisu and hopefully will help satisfy your sweet tooth.

Q: I have found that when I use artificial sweetener I end up craving sugar and carbs. Is this all in my head or is the taste triggering an insulin response in my body?
Dr. Agatson: Sugar substitutes do not cause an insulin response but if you're concerned, I would substitute other snack foods such as pistachio or macadamia nuts.

Q: I have had trouble moving on to Phase 2. Every time I do, the old cravings start kicking in again.
Dr. Agatson: There are really two approaches. One is stay on Phase 1 for another week or two because further weight loss often improves insulin and sugar metabolism, thus helping prevent the swings in blood sugar that cause craving. The other is to begin Phase 2 very slowly adding just one carbohydrate at a time such as an apple for a snack. Experiment with different carbohydrates to find those that don't rekindle your cravings.

Q: I am in Phase 1 of the program and am finding I have a real problem with irregularity. What will fix the irregularity?
Dr. Agatson: During Phase 1 a decrease in intake of grains, i.e. fiber, may cause irregularity. Some dehydration may also be attributed. Make sure you are getting adequate fluids; also try a fiber supplement before meals such as Metamucil or Benafiber. Using the fiber supplements before meals helps bowel function and also decreases the hypoglycemic index of the meal. Gradually increase the fiber until you are regular.

Q: I would like to continue following this diet and have recently found out I am pregnant. Is the South Beach Diet safe to follow during pregnancy? My intent is not to lose weight but to stay healthy. I am taking prenatal vitamins and drinking lots of water.

Dr. Agatson: Yes, the basic principles of the South Beach Diet, eating the right (healthy) fats and the right carbs are the way men and women were meant to eat. During pregnancy you certainly should not be in the Phase 1 rapid weight loss phase. But choosing low glycemic foods including whole fruits and vegetables gives you the natural vitamins that are good for you and for your baby. In particular make sure you get a lot of omega-3 (fish) oil. This is particularly important for brain development in the fetus and may help prevent post-partum depression.

Q: In your book, you seem to have steered clear of counting carbs, but can you recommend a desirable daily percentage for Phase 2 and beyond?
Dr. Agatson: There are societies that are very successful with low heart attack, low stroke, and low cancer rates with quite variable amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. For instance, the Greenland Eskimos and the Greeks traditionally consume very high fat and low carbohydrate foods but are free from the chronic diseases that plague Western countries. Other societies such as those in the Chinese countryside have high carbohydrate intake and low fat yet also do very well. The question is not the amount but the types of carbohydrates and fats consumed. That is why we do not count grams of carbohydrates on the South Beach Diet.

Q: Is Michelob Ultra--the low carb beer--okay? Dr. Agatson: I do not know the carbohydrate content of Michelob Ultra. In general, though, because beer has the sugar maltose in it, it is by far the most fattening of all alcoholic beverages. Most alcoholic beverages when consumed with a meal help delay digestion and thereby have a favorable effect on the glycemic index of the meal. The maltose in beer is digested more rapidly than any other food and causes large swings in blood sugar and insulin levels. This is the origin of a beer belly. We do not get wine bellies because wine does not contain maltose. Light beers with lower carbohydrate content are better than regular beers but I would be very careful and monitor my response.

Q: What vitamins or supplements are recommended for this diet?

Dr. Agatson: Three very large studies that were concluded over the past two years have demonstrated that the antioxidant supplements such as Vitamins E, C, and A do not prevent heart attacks, stroke, or cancer. In contrast, there is very good evidence that the natural vitamins found in whole fruits and vegetables help prevent these diseases. At this time we do recommend a multi-vitamin and a fish oil supplement (omega-3) with the maximum EPA. There are good studies that fish oil is an important nutrient in the Western diet, replacing it has numerous good effects on our health. The other supplements we often recommend are a combination of folic acid, B6, B-12, which help lower our homocysteine levels.

Q: During Phase 1 are we allowed seeds, e.g. sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, and pine nuts?

Dr. Agatson: Yes. Those sound fine.

Q: Can we take protein shakes in Phase 1?
Dr. Agatson: Protein shakes alone can be dangerous. If they are taken to supplement good vegetables, salads, and good oils, they should be fine.

Q: I have been eating "no sugar added fudgesicles" during Phase 1, has this been hampering my Phase 1 loss?
Dr. Agatson: No, sugar-free fudgesicles are acceptable desserts or snacks.

Q: I am currently on Atkins but considering switching to South Beach. Is there anything I should be aware of before switching?
Dr. Agatson: There are no problems involved with switching. The advantage of the South Beach Diet is that it incorporates good fats and decreases both saturated fats and trans fats. The good fats help sugar and insulin metabolism over the long term and thus aid in long-term weight loss, while saturated fats and trans fat hurt sugar and insulin metabolism and can be disposed to weight gain after initial weight loss.

Q: Is this plan safe for a pre-teen girl?
Dr. Agatson: For Phase 1, I would suggest that pre-teens consult their pediatricians. The basic principles of the South Beach Diet, however, are particularly important for pre-teens because the helpful oils help brain and nervous system development while trans fats may actually impair brain and nervous system development. The whole fruits and vegetables and whole grains insure enough natural vitamins and nutrients that help in normal growth and development.

Q: If I continue to stay focused on Phase 2, is it safe to assume that it will take at least 5-10 more weeks to lose 10 more lbs?

Dr. Agatson: Yes. Phase 2 is a slow weight-loss phase but sticking with it rather than prolonging Phase 1 is important for sustaining weight loss. Studies have shown that progressive, rapid weight loss results in yo-yo dieting. The reason is that too rapid weight loss results in loss of muscle and bone mass, which slows our metabolism and makes it difficult to maintain our weight or to lose more weight.

Q: I'm losing very slowly. Is it because I'm post-menopausal? Is there anything special I can do?
Dr. Agatson: Your hormonal changes can certainly affect both fluid retention and the rates of weight loss. Your other hormonal problems such as low thyroidal levels may slow weight loss. Hormonal levels can be measured by your gynecologist. Also post-menopausal women tend to lose both muscle and bone due to lowered hormonal levels. A good exercise program including some resistance training can prevent much or all of this muscle and bone loss and can help maintain a good metabolic level.

Q: How bad are peaches and watermelon in Phase 2. I live the whole year waiting for that fruit to be in season.

Dr. Agatson: Peaches can certainly be used as a dessert or snack in Phase 2. Watermelon is very high in glycemic index and should be used sparingly.

Q: You advise to drink only one cup of decaf coffee a day. Does this same rule apply for decaf tea?
Dr. Agatson: There is no limitation on decaf coffee. We do suggest limiting caffeine intake since it may stimulate insulin from the pancreas thereby exacerbating hypoglycemia. Decaf tea is fine.

Q: I'm a vegetarian. How can I use modify your diet so I can use it?
Dr. Agatson: All the usual foods that vegetarians eat are listed on our glycemic index table. All of the whole fruits, vegetables, and whole grains as well as beans, lentils, and tofu are good choices for vegetarians. They should avoid white rolls, white breads, baked goods, and starches, particularly potatoes. Beans, soy products, low fat cheeses, eggs, and egg whites are good choices for vegetarians. I would also suggest a multi-vitamin and omega-3 supplement for vegetarians. Also, it is important for vegetarians to take a calcium supplement during Phase 1.

Q: I've heard that tuna and some other fish have a lot of mercury in them. Is it possible to get too much mercury from eating so much fish on the SBD?
Dr. Agatson: Nowadays with some fish being raised in fish farms and also because of mercury content, too much of the same fish such as tuna can be problematic, that is why we recommend a fish oil supplement, which does not contain mercury or other contaminants.

Q: What do I substitute for all of the dairy products in SBD. I am highly allergic.

Dr. Agatson: Lean meats, nuts, beans, and lentils supply protein. If avoiding dairy products, I would also suggest a dairy supplement.

Q: What is the most weight lost, that you know of, for someone who has been on your diet?
Dr. Agatson: We have one doctor's secretary who has lost 150 lbs and maintained the weight loss for five years. A male patient of mine has lost over 100 lbs and also maintained the weight lost for three-and-a-half years. Some types of morbid obesity have hormonal origin where they are resistant to dietary manipulation. I therefore cannot claim success with many morbidly obese patients. While many morbidly obese patients do well on the diet, not all do.

Q: I am 3.5 weeks into the diet and still doing Phase 1 because my loss has not been "exceptional". I have lost 6 pounds to date. Can I stay on Phase 1 as long as I can stick to it? I'm afraid I'll lose nothing if I go to Phase 2.
Dr. Agatson: As long as it is going slowly and you are comfortable on Phase 1, it is acceptable to prolong it. We do want to avoid continuing very rapid weight loss that may become counterproductive.

Q: If I lost 10 pounds during Phase 1, what kind of weight loss can I expect in Phase 2 and the future?
Dr. Agatson: Early Phase 2 should resemble Phase 1 and I would expect about 2 lbs per week. Later Phase 2 should resemble Phase 3 (maintenance phase) and weight loss would likely slow to 1 lb to week. But remember, the slower weight loss is more likely to result in permanent weight loss.

Q: I take a beta-blocker daily. Is this diet safe for me?
Dr. Agatson: Yes. For those taking a beta-blockers or other medication that lowers blood pressure, they should monitor their blood pressure particularly during Phase 1. High blood pressure often normalizes. It may be necessary for their physicians to adjust or discontinue their blood pressure medications.

Q: what effects do Paxil and birth control have on the South Beach Diet?
Dr. Agatson: Paxil and other anti-depressants can be associated with weight gain of several pounds for unknown reasons. Where there is an important behavioral component to weight gain, these medications may actually help weight loss. I would not change these medications when starting the diet unless it is recommended by your physician. The diet is compatible with taking birth control pills. There are sometimes very large fluctuations of fluid retention during the menstrual cycle. It is important not to misinterpret fluctuations in fluid as a rapid increase or decrease of fat mass. This is one reason why we suggest weighing ourselves once a week or less.

Q: I take synthroid to regulate my thyroid. How will this impact me weight loss during Phase 1?
Dr. Agatson: Low thyroid levels are associated with great difficulty with losing weight because metabolism is slowed. Synthroid normalizes thyroid activity and should be continued during the diet.

Q: Will I ever be able to eat bread again? Is it true that cravings for carbs subside?
Dr. Agatson: I personally did not think that my bread addiction would ever end but it did. In Phase 2, we do add back whole grain breads, pita breads, and pumpernickel in moderation. So yes, there will be bread in your future!

Q: I have been on this diet for a month and lost 9 pounds, but now the scales aren't moving. Are there plateaus on this diet?
Dr. Agatson: It is common to reach a plateau in Phase 2. If you have plateaued for several weeks and still have a definite weight to lose I would suggest returning to Phase 1.

Q: Regarding the SBD and training for events such as triathlons and long runs: Is there any truth to the common practice of "carb loading" the night before an event, or is it better to have high GI foods immediately after an event?
Dr. Agatson: Before long distance events particularly those greater than 90 minutes, we suggest carbo-loading with low glycemic index carbs such as oatmeal and the lower glycemic pastas. This creates a low infusion of sugar during the event and has been shown to delay the "wall" for 20 minutes. After an endurance event and when training vigorously for consecutive days, high glycemic foods are optimal to replace glycogen stores that have been depleted during exercise.

Q: Your plan isn't calorie dependant, but your sample eating plans seem to be around 1200 calories a day. How important is it to still watch calorie intake?

Dr. Agatson: We do not count calories because the primary purpose of the diet is to control hunger so that calorie restriction is not necessary. That being said, there is something to portion control. I was brought up in a generation where I was taught to finish my plate. I have realized that often I was satiated yet continued to eat out of habit. We do not want people to leave a meal hungry because they limited calories, but on the other hand it is not necessary to finish everything on your plate once your hunger has been satisfied.

Q: Can you chew gum on this diet?
Dr. Agatson: Sugar-free gum is acceptable on the South Beach Diet.

Q: Can you eat too many veggies?
Dr. Agatson: I believe it is hard to eat too many veggies. Veggies are unlimited. One problem might be that suddenly increasing high fiber veggie intake may cause some bloating and increased gas. But veggies contain many natural vitamins and nutrients and the extra fiber, once our stomachs get used to it, is also very healthy.

Q: Would you say being 60 pounds overweight is morbidly obese?
Dr. Agatson: The criteria for morbid obesity is a body mass index of greater than 40. So it depends on your height as well. Many muscle builders and athletes have very high BMIs but are not obese since the extra mass is muscle. So there are exceptions.

Q: There are a lot of questions about how much water is enough, can you please clear up the mystery?
Dr. Agatson: The volume of water required is different for each individual. It's hard to make a hard-and-fast rule. The only time where excessive fluid loss may be important is Phase 1. And I would encourage 8 glasses of water during this Phase. For those who are exercising vigorously, particularly outdoors in hot climates, even more fluid is required.

Q: Is mayo allowed at any time on this diet?

Dr. Agatson: Whole mayonnaise, which usually has soy oil, is definitely allowed, even in Phase 1.

Q: Is sugar-free ice cream allowed?
Dr. Agatson: In general, sugar-free ice cream is allowed, but it is best to read labels and make sure other high glycemic carbohydrates have not been added.

Q: Are ketchup, cocktail sauce, and mustard okay?

Dr. Agatson: Mustard is fine. Most ketchup and cocktail sauce have quite a bit of sugar and should be used in moderation and only during Phase 2 or Phase 3.

Q: This lifestyle is wonderful. I lost 8 pounds the first week and have no more cravings. My question is: Is it ok to do Phase 1 for more than 2 weeks?
Dr. Agatson: If you have a great deal of weight to lose it is okay to extend Phase 1 to three weeks or longer. The problem is that continued rapid weight loss can make it more difficult to maintain. In general, pounds that are lost more slowly are more easily kept off. If one is losing weight rapidly, it is particularly important to exercise because this helps maintain lean body mass and thereby helps keep our metabolism at a high level.

Q: My daughter wants to go on this diet but she has IBS, there are many salads and veggies she can eat only in small portions and sometimes that is too much, would you say this is not a diet for her to follow?
Dr. Agatson: I would suggest consulting with her physician regarding what low glycemic carbohydrates are acceptable. The fats on the South Beach Diet, especially the fish oils, tend to help IBS.

Q: Have you seen substantial drops in cholesterol levels while patients are on this diet. And if so, by how much?

Dr. Agatson: The most dramatic improvement in blood chemistry is seen in the lowering of triglycerides and the increase in HDL (the good cholesterol). Total cholesterol can fall dramatically depending on its starting point and several variables. If one's lipid profile shows elevation of LDL (the bad cholesterol), this often requires medication. In most overweight patients the predominant blood chemistry abnormality is an elevated triglyceride and a low HDL. These abnormalities respond dramatically to the South Beach Diet. Type II diabetes and pre-diabetes syndrome are regularly cured by the diet.

Q: I was wondering, I followed the diet for two weeks and only lost 4 pounds. My friend who is much heavier, lost 20. Am I doing something wrong?
Dr. Agatson: No. Those who respond with the most weight loss are those who have gained weight as an adult and whose weight gain is largely around the belly. The diet can cause selective weight loss around the hips and this can be a problem. The greater the weight gain as an adult, the greater and the faster you can expect weight to be lost.

29 January 2009


here are some pics from yesterday...i was home sick...i had a sinus infection that dropped into my chest - along with the headache...but the snow was so purty that i had to take a couple of pics...

sorry some of these are sideways...i am having issues with photobucket...

this is after about 2 hours of snow...under this there is about 5 inches of snow and 3 inches of ice

this is the hubbys put put car

this is the first back line...

this is the second back line

this is my jeep and the put put i drive...this is after the wind blew through,...

this is at the bottom of the hill i have to go up or down everyday...the only way in or out...we are still on a level 3 snow emergency...

this is the top of the hill and believe it or not there is a road there..i have 9 miles of this to get to the

and 2 1/2 hours adn 48 miles later...this is the road my office is on

hope you enjoy these...

21 January 2009

20 January 2009

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
73.0 kg 8.6 kg 5.0 kg Reasonably Well
   Add Comment steady weight

15 January 2009

veggies yuk's Weight History

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