JLente's Journal

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01 May 2018

Day two of the week in the books. I may have stumbled into a way to adopt a OMAD strategy into the work week. Gonna run with it and see how it plays out through the week and into the weekend. Also down to the last hole in my 'fat guy' dress belt, another pleasant NSV win as far as I'm concerned.

I do have a couple questions for the collective wisdom out there.

1. I'm going to be taking a look at my salt intake. I have looked at the NHA recommendations on the subject and know like most people I'm way over that. So, what are y'all's thoughts on the subject? What do you feel is a good target intake level.

2. Cortisol is the 'stress hormone' and it contributes to weight retention and gain. I work in a high speed, high stress environment (for the past 30 years) and do eat stress like candy so I'm pretty sure my levels there are through the roof. Is there anything you recommend to eat or take as a supplement to control cortisol or its impact?

Still working on my overall hydration so time to chill for a bit and knock down a liter of water and enjoy a cigar before getting back to doing some work. I y'all are finding some relaxation the evening. Remember to stay mindful about what you eat and if you reach for something off script ask yourself.. 'does this get me closer to my goals'.

01 May 2018

309.4 on the troll scale this morning. A nice bit of forward progress and creeping closer to that 300 mark. I keep hoping for a little steeper rate of decent considering the cal deficit I'm maintaining but oh well. Still making gains on all the important fronts in this battle.

Did wake up hungry this AM so regretting not having more to eat when I got home yesterday. Not ravenous hungry, just the notification I do need fuel. Sort of like when that notification on the dash of your car.. "You have 50 miles until empty"... and you know you are about 49 miles to the nearest gas station. :P The chicken and lettuce salad will for sure taste good in 5 hours or so.

Going to try a different strategy on the hydration front today. Going to try to knock back at least a liter of water as I'm getting ready for the office. An effort to start off ahead of the game for a change with more than just coffee sloshing around the system.

Hoping y'all have a good day where ever you are at. Whatever you are doing to realize a healthier you, keep it up! If you have slipped a bit, just get back to doing good things for yourself and move one. Either way find some way to enjoy the day!
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
140.3 kg 18.4 kg 49.6 kg 100%
   (2 comments) Losing 0.8 kg a Week

30 April 2018

What I prepped for lunch was a lot of food. Not in cals but in volume! I finished it all but it was very close to TOO much. Quite yummy if I do say so myself. :). Nearly at the end of my eating window and have no hunger or desire for anything else. I did finish off 1/2 of an avocado I had left over but that is gonna be it. Still too full feeling. So ending off my eating day with 804 cals of intake. As usual short on water for the day so going to spend the rest of the evening catching up a bit on that.

Did step on the troll scale on a whim once I got home and saw a 309.8. I'm interested to see how that number moves come my 'official' weigh time in the morning. Regardless what it says then, nice to see a sub 310 number even if its just the down day of the daily cycle.

Back to get a little more work done (and drink more water) for me. I hope y'all's evening is good. Keep you heads up and stay focused on your goals all!

30 April 2018

Happy Monday all! Rock steady on the troll scale at 310.8. A tad higher than the lowest I recorded but well within the margin of error. Made up a shrimp, tuna, avocado, mushroom, and lettuce salad for lunch today. Looks like a [bleep] ton of food (had to put it in a gallon sized ziplock bag!) but as I calculate it, is around 650cals. Will see if I can even finish it. :D

While I think, for the most part, weighing everyday is counter productive (if used as the primary measure of progress) I do do it. I when when I first get up, go about my routine then weigh again about 30-45min later for the 'official' number. This morning my first trip on the scale said 310.8... then my second trip initially said 312 and change. I was like 'WTF over?!?!' for a second until I realized I had put on a hoodie. Once I took it off, it was 'magically' 310.8 again. Who knew a single piece of lightweight clothing could weigh almost 2lbs! The moral of this long winded set up? When you weigh, regardless of the frequency, make sure you are doing it at the same approximate time, under the same approximate conditions (clothes etc). This way you are actually comparing something closer to 'apples to apples' thus generating better data to make decisions as well of having the added benefit of not driving you crazy.

Time to get the day started. Here is hoping y'all have a good start to your week! Stay mindful about what you are doing and do your very best to stick to your plans. Let's move the ball forward, even if its only an inch!

29 April 2018

A good day all around. I got some salad shrimp and sauteed about 1/3 of a pound up with sliced baby bella 'shrooms, mung bean sprouts and spinach then topped it off with an avocado and mozzarella cheese. It came out pretty good though it didn't have the heat I was shooting for. I should have added additional cayenne pepper or taken the time to mix up my own cajun spice mix. Added a protein drink (I don't mix it thick enough to call it a shake) to balance the macros a closer to targets. Came to a total of 1150-1250 cals of intake

I'm enjoying cooking again on the weekends. I make simple fare and suck at 'presentation' (making things look pretty) but I can hold my own in the flavor department. :P

Gotta take some time to plan out lunches for the week, slowly moving to that daily average of to 1100 cals (macro mix of 60%F/30%P/10%) where I think I need to be. I hope you all have have an equally good day and are enjoying a relaxing evening. Keep your eyes on the prize and do the things, especially the little ones, that move you close to where you want to be.

JLente's Weight History

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