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19 August 2011

18 August 2011

I'm moving back to in a week YESSSSSSSSSS! I can't wait i can't wait. I get to have my own room, life, things, EVERYTHING! Ahhh i can't wait. It's going to be super hectic all the time, but i like it that way. So, i think i failed again with K a bit.

So we're moving back in next Thursday. We're moving in a couple days before everyone and i secretly planned this all out so we can spend some more time together basically. Basically using "Freshman move in" to just move in early so we can be ridiculous. Of course i hit in the head with a thousand responsibilities i was not told i had to do -____-. Basically moving in is going to be hassle then the next day i have President duties (President of my martial arts club) from 8-2. Then Freshman move in orientation, whatever the hell i have to do, from 3-5 the same day. Roar roar. Then the day before that, i'm sorry i'm all over the place, we're moving in like i said.

So my guy friend, S, is super cool. He's a lot older and my Martial Arts Instructor and friend. We used to chill a lot and just do mma things and such. So he was going to give me a private lesson and i made it for the same day we move in. Needless to say K was pissed considering we havent seen each other in forever. Whomp i'm dumb i totally didnt realize. I want to spend time with him and her and blah! I want to be two people damnit. I really need to learn how to balance everything.... She was just like "really you planned something with your guy friend the DAY we get back" oops.... :(. Well now she's ridiculously pissed at me and frustrated. Blah idk how to do this. I'm so used to things happening on the fly, but this was a dumb move. I need to figure out how to make it up to her. I'm thinking cookies lol. Idk i just I need to have my own friends and things to do you know. I dont want to be that couple that attached at the hip. I will not UHAUL damnit. Meh im going to need to learn how to prioritize.

Funny story though. One of her roommates may have decided to take the year off this year. As in she may not have a roommate. Gods smiling down upon us? I think so haha. Hope everyone has had a good Thursday so far!

PS - my butt hurts. Deadlifting 135 lbs, leg press 240 lbs at 4 sets of 10 reps each. Plus other things. Oh cuz i'm dumb and i did p90x legs yesterday! Who's dumb. THIS GUY!

17 August 2011

15 August 2011

So.....i was thinking today and it really bothered me. At the wedding i was just so.....bitter. The father daughter dance, the couple coming in, the relatives HAPPY to see someone walk in married to the person they love, and just the overall acceptance of it all....

And how i may/may not have that. Ugh it annoys me to no end and i still hate how my parents treat it. First we never talk about it and when we do it ends in a fight. I can't and most likely will never tell them about K, i can never go to them for advice, i can't even tell them why i'm sad for if/when we break on and etc. with any other person i'm with. Maybe they'll accept in ten years who knows? I saw the video "Make it stop" by Rise Against today and I feel a little pathetic i didnt come out in high school because i was scared. Rawr. Im just glad it is as a whole getting better. Ok i'm done venting.

My sister and dad are leaving for India on Wednesday :( This is kinda sad since its only going to be my mom and i but i'll miss the little monkey. We cook together and stuff. Basically all i do with her is play videogames and cook haha. Today we cooked super nommy Banana Bread and Turkey Sausages! Both super delicious and healthy. Banana bread recipe needs to experimented to make it rise more

Workout today was more on the meh side as it seems i have urked my shoulder a bit. I was doing standing shoulder press with 25 lbs and for some reason i was stupid and twisted a bit and urked it. -__- Whatever i did more biceps after that. So yup bicep and shoulder day. Elliptical and treadmill for 40 min after that. I had to after my bread because it tasted SO GOOD i had a bit more than i really should have haha. Thank god its on the healthier side.

14 August 2011

hahah so its been a super eventful weekend. Wedding things ALL Saturday like hot damn. I love indian weddings though because they're so festive and so much fun :). I got all dressed up in my sari. The day before that i got my hair done(redid my highlights) so its not that crazy but just class hair. My sari if you can't tell from the picture is blue with a silver undertone. Then i was wearing this ridiculously gorgeous necklace, bangles, and silver aldo heels. They werent the most forgiving heels but i loved them.

My favorite part of the wedding ceremony was when the groom comes to the ceremony. Basically the dj was infront spinning, with a large parade of family and friends from the grooms side dancing to the front of the hotel as the groom climbs out of the rolls royce haha. Originally i was told he was coming on a horse so i was mildly dissapointed but it was fun to see the aunts, uncles, and cousins dancing around haha.

The bride was soooooooooo gorgeous and pretty. She had the most beautiful red and gold sari on. Sidenote - those are indian wedding colors. She was carried and she had to hold like leaves in front of her face and eyes as is tradition. Then there is a little game where they try to see who can put the garland on who first. Super cute. Then the actual ceremony starts. Where they light the fire, tie the knot and walk around, and say the vows so to speak. It was adorable and bride started to cry a bit but it was sooooo sweet.

Then we had lunch WHOMP! The groom is Jain. Basically strict vegetarians; they dont even eat root vegetables. Now bengalis eat meat like its our job haha. My dad was HILARIOUS when he found out it was vegetarian. He was like there another line? Are we in the wrong one? I'm just like no dad....its veg all over. He got bug eyed it was great. Some of the bengalis left a little early and hit like five guys. I love my family sometimes.

Then we all went home to change for the reception. I changed into another snazzy indian outfit. I'm pretty sure my friends mom had a minor girl crush on me as shes like omg! your arms are so nice and so is your stomach. Lolz ok. But it was fun they had 11!!!! different appetizers! The hell. Then dinner then! 10 different cakes with an icecream bar and a fruit and chocolate fondue station. Blah i was so full! But the food was nommy. I think i did fairly well. Indulged on good food but within reason.

But needless to say the gym today was necessary. 1 hour 45 minutes. First i did 20 min on the treadmill at 2% incline for 2 miles. Fairly timing i guess right? Then the clean and press at 75 lbs(5,4,3,2,1),4 sets of renegade rows with 10 lbs(6 reps each side) and 21s with 20 lbs, kettlebell (swings, high row, figure 8s, tri/shoulder holds), tricep extensions at 70 lbs, ab cruches with the cable at 110 lbs, the some stablitly ball exercises with incline crunches and holds. Hopefully this new routine shocks the body haha.

At least i went shopping today. Now normally i have self control but....not my gay men. Ugh. I bought 2 fedoras, a super nice fitted gray shirt from express men, and a sweet black vest from wet seal. Whomp see ya 90 dollars -__-. The gay man at express men gave me a nice deal though....i'm not sure why but i wont complain!

Good times were had by all and sticking to the diet today so i hope everyone is having a good Sunday :)!

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